Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Second amendment and the Constitution

So why all the fuss over the Second Amendment and over the Constitution in general?
Our forefathers had just declared the United States a free nation. And during that conflict the British had tried to take away Firearms so there could be no rebellion. Our forefathers learned the hard way that the first step of an opressive government is to remove the citizens ability to remove thier government. Our forefathers knew that the ability to to retain control of our own government relied upon the citizens ability to Keep and Bear arms. Also no one seems to understand that one of the reasons we have not been invaded is because any invader fears the armed citizen. Criminals fear the armed citizen.

Why did our forefathers write those pesky amendments? All of the items covered in the constitution were things that the British had violated in thier governance of us as thier colony. Sometimes these amendments are very trying, like when attempting to prosecute high level criminals. But these amendments are there to protect US. These rights were not included in the original draft of the Constitution of the United States but were added in 1791 as the Bill of Rights as amendments. to put this into perspective the only thing that beat the right to keep and bear arms was the right to freedom of religion, free assembly, freedom of the press etc. The rights of the first amendment have been assailed also. Why would government want you not to have the right to speak freely and to assemble?

This bill was heaed with this as one of the statements.

"THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution."

Think on that statement for a minute!

Go read the constitution and the bill of rights and then comment on this post!

Again it is time for you to think these things over. Even if you are not a proponent of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms you should wonder why it was so important to the history of this country and why it might be a necessity to the future of this country. How would you feel if you walked into a court, or your representatives office and were told you do not have the right to speak freely? You do not have the right to bear witness?

Think on these things and ask again.
Where is the American Party?

Where is the AMERICAN Party

I am appalled at the direction this once great nation is taking. Our politicians are, in the majority, corrupt. Our system of lobbying has turned this into a country that is ran by special interest rather than a country "Of the People" "By the People" "For the People". Big business buys the elections at the national level of politics. Our government continually threatens to raise taxes and if this "raise" in taxes was to be ditributed across the board equally I would support it. In fact these taxes will be levied against the so called "Middle" class. They will not raise taxes on the the rich, that upper 20% that holds 80% of the wealth in this country. So the main effort is to sqeeze more out of the ever shrinking MIDDLE class. I had hoped that the people of this nation would stand up and call for an end to the corruption that is rampant here. I had hopes that the TEA Party would shake up the good ol boy network that is at the heart of the corruption. It has not materialized. I have seen a migration of both Republican and Democratic party members leaving to be Independents. Even that has had little effect of the main line parties.

I believe it is time to forward AN American Party to bring this country back to it's real stakeholders, The American people.

Why are Foreign countries allowed to lobby in our government?
Why are lobbies allowed to bribe our representatives?

Why are we discussing cutting the benefits of the people who PAID thier way into Social Security? Yet they are not talking about cutting the people who did not pay thier way into the system such as a good portion of the Social security disability. Why are we expanding Welfare? the majority of the people in this nation believe in Workfare not Welfare. Why? because the Welfare recipients are voters. We all believe that the AFDC program should be there as a helping hand for hard times. But there are people that have never collected a paycheck , at least above the table, that will eventually collect Social Security. HOW? they never paid into the system. It is pretty easy to see why the Social Security system is in deep trouble. Why should people pay into a system that has become an extension of Welfare? This especially when they are being told that it will bankrupt. Do you think the disability part of this program will close down? There are so many examples of the corruption inside our government yet these representatives do not pay a price for thier misconduct. Why are these people who write the laws not held to a higher standard like the
Peace Officers of this nation? What rfeally tops this is thier beliefs about retirement systems. They recieve a retirement for just one term in office , but want to extend retirements for us to 30 to 40 years of work. They want to raise Social security to the age of 72. So basically they are betting on you dropping dead before you collect your first check! There needs to be a change! we need to change these systems to a work ethic.

well that is all for now think on these thoughts and ask
WHERE is the American Party?